A new audio adventure featuring the Sixth Doctor in Doctor Who is set to be released this May.
Big Finish Productions has revealed that a new Sixth Doctor Adventures box set will be available on their website in May. Titled Doctor Who – The Sixth Doctor Adventures: The Cosmos and Mrs Clarke, this box set will feature the Sixth Doctor and his companion Mrs. Constance Clarke as they embark on three new adventures filled with encounters with both familiar allies and adversaries.
The new stories for the Sixth Doctor include The Story Demon by Julian Richards, Inconstancy by Ian Potter, and The Key to Many Worlds by Paul Magrs. Further details about Inconstancy and The Story Demon may be disclosed in the future, but additional information is available about the third adventure.
In The Key to Many Worlds by Paul Magrs, the Doctor and Constance travel to thirteenth-century Baghdad, where they meet an older Marco Polo. Polo has been tasked with escorting Iris Wildthyme (a beloved character created by Magrs) back to Venice, but she dislikes being treated like a captive, leading her to somehow switch bodies with the Doctor.
Colin Baker returns as the Sixth Doctor, with Miranda Raison portraying Constance, and Katy Manning reprising her role as the playful Iris Wildthyme. Terry Molloy, renowned among Doctor Who fans for playing Davros, will depict Marco Polo.
Writer Paul Magrs shared, “The Key to Many Worlds was a fantastic opportunity to bring together two remarkable voices – Katy and Colin – from The Wormery years ago, blending them in one of my favorite Doctor Who genres, the historical saga, as well as one of my favorite science-fiction elements, the mind-swap.”
Colin Baker remarked, “Upon reading this script, my first reaction was, oh, great, another one that’s clever, meaningful, and quite thrilling. Everything gets turned upside down!”
Doctor Who – The Sixth Doctor Adventures: The Cosmos and Mrs Clarke is available for pre-order on the Big Finish website for £24.99 (collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £19.99 (download only). Additionally, a bundle with the second Sixth Doctor Adventures box set (release date yet to be announced) can be pre-ordered for £47 (collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £38 for the download only.

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A new audio adventure featuring the Sixth Doctor in Doctor Who is set to be released this May.
Big Finish Productions has revealed that a new box set for The Sixth Doctor Adventures will be available on their website in May. Titled Doctor Who – The Sixth Doctor Adventures: The Cosmos and Mrs Clarke, this box set will feature the Sixth Doctor and his companion Mrs Constance Clarke as they undertake three new adventures, where they will encounter familiar characters from the past.