The 7 Most Alluring Films Featuring the Amish
Here are seven of the sexiest movies featuring the Amish.
We understand your curiosity: how could anyone select just seven? We did our best and compiled the following list.
7. Amish Stud: The Eli Weaver Story (2023)
No matter how hard we try, we can’t find a movie title that tops Amish Stud, reflecting the sensational true story behind it. The title refers to the online persona Eli Weaver (played by Luke Macfarlane) used to connect with women in chatrooms.
The film depicts Eli's misguided plans with his mistress to kill his wife, shocking his conservative Amish community, which disapproves of the internet, especially for online dating, and even more so for online dating that results in murder.
The film features some steamy moments prior to the crime.
6. Sex Drive (2008)
Sex Drive feels like one of those classic Hollywood films built around its title. And what a film it is.
The story centers on a young man named Ian (Josh Zuckerman) who meets a woman online (not an Amish individual, so no rules broken here) and sets off on a long road trip to meet her. Accompanying him are his best friends, Lance (Clark Duke) and Felicia (Amanda Crew), who embodies the Cute Brunette Friend trope from '80s movies, though this is set in the 2000s.
The Amish element arises when the group encounters car trouble, and a witty Amish man named Ezekiel (Seth Green) offers assistance. Lance then meets an Amish girl named Mary (Alice Greczyn).
The twist comes when Lance discovers that his relationship with Mary could lead to her being shunned. He chooses to stay with her, and they eventually marry. By the end, Lance sports an Amish beard, hinting that he has embraced Mary's lifestyle. Thus, this “sex drive” evolves into a “love drive.”
It's not just one of the sexiest films about the Amish; it's one of the most supportive of Amish culture as well.
5. Amish Affair (2024)
Screenshot – Credit: Lifetime
Not satisfied with the success of Amish Stud, Lifetime returned to the Amish erotic thriller genre with another sensational tale, Amish Affair.
This film explores the passionate encounters between Hannah (Mackenzie Cardwell) and Amish "stud" Aaron (Ryan McPartlin) after he invites her into his home to care for his sick (and troublesome) wife.
Boundaries are crossed, dilemmas arise, and, as is common in such stories, rat poison comes into play.
This Lifetime original received generally positive feedback, although one YouTube commenter noted, “OMG! We Amish are so not like this! LOL.” Perhaps that was Eli Weaver.
4. Deadly Blessing (1981)
United Artists
We recognize that Wes Craven’s Deadly Blessing isn’t explicitly about the Amish. Instead, it focuses on the Hittites, a sect reminiscent of the Amish. (WesCraven.com mentions the film “is set in Amish Country, at a local farm, where a woman’s husband is mysteriously killed by his own tractor!”)
However, the Hittite narrative seems to serve as a cover for a depiction that's unmistakably a stand-in for the Amish. This slasher film falls between the early chaos of Craven's works such as Last House on the Left and the successful Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, relying significantly on its alluring actresses (including a young Sharon Stone) facing off against an evil incubus.
The film features ample Biblical references, including an unsettling bathtub scene with a snake. Combining excitement and horror in classic slasher style, it intertwines some elements of religious extremism. We can see why the Amish wouldn’t want to be associated with it, and its more disturbing aspects clarify why it's only placed fourth on this list.
Additionally, Stone was raised close to Amish country in Pennsylvania, which enhances our appreciation for Deadly Blessing.
3. The Night They Raided Minsky’s (1968)
Set in the 1920s, The Night They Raided Minsky’s captures the essence of the swinging '60s, playing with the shifting sexual norms following the Summer of Love. This film was one of the first to showcase the contrast between the plain Amish lifestyle and the temptations of the outside world.
The movie is a delightful romp featuring Britt Eckland as Rachel Schpitendavel, a young Amish woman aspiring to succeed in New York City with dance numbers inspired by the Bible. Through a series of absurd events, she ends up performing her innocent act at a burlesque show. When her furious Amish father attempts to pull her offstage, tearing her clothes in the process, she inadvertently creates a new form of entertainment.
The talent behind The Night They Raided Minsky’s is top-tier, including producer Norman Mailer, director William Friedkin (who later directed The Exorcist

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The 7 Most Alluring Films Featuring the Amish
Here are the seven most alluring films featuring the Amish.