On Falling - Review of the Glasgow Film Festival 2025
On Falling, 2024.
Written and directed by Laura Carreira.
Featuring Joana Santos, Inês Vaz, and Neil Leiper.
The narrative revolves around Aurora, a Portuguese worker in a Scottish warehouse, as she confronts feelings of loneliness and alienation within an algorithm-driven gig economy, striving for meaning and connection amidst solitude and the constraints of her workplace.
We often encounter narratives that romanticize the immigrant experience, particularly those centered on the US and the UK. This can obscure the genuine struggles and experiences faced by individuals leaving their homes in search of a new and hopefully improved life. Laura Carreira’s On Falling presents a distinct perspective compared to previous portrayals, focusing on the gig economy, which is a significant aspect of contemporary life. The film reflects a reality that may not align with the aspirations many immigrants envision for themselves. It presents a tough situation and is a film that feels both pressing and relevant.
We follow Aurora (Joana Santos), a warehouse picker in Edinburgh, who hails from Portugal. This representation of the city is unglamorous, avoiding iconic imagery like The Royal Mile. Instead, it depicts an alienating environment where Aurora experiences isolation and despair, often appearing silent and reflective. Produced by Sixteen Films (Ken Loach), the film possesses an almost documentary-like quality, as we accompany Aurora through her work and her occasional interactions with the outside world; it never lapses into boredom, even during periods of extended silence. She escapes the vast warehouse to a confined and stifling room.
The subject matter is evidently personal for Carreira, a Portuguese director based in Edinburgh, resulting in themes that resonate closely with her experiences. There is a notable maturity in this debut film, drawing inspiration from Ken Loach and engaging with themes he has explored in works like The Old Oak and Sorry We Missed You (among others). It approaches its sensitive topics in a warm manner, avoiding excessive bleakness while highlighting issues that may be overlooked in an era where so much is sourced and delivered from warehouses like the one depicted.
On Falling is remarkably relevant, anchored by a reflective performance from Joana Santos. With Aurora predominantly on screen, much of the film's success relies on her portrayal, and she captivates the audience effectively. This film establishes Carreira as a noteworthy voice, illuminating an area that many may neglect but could reconsider after viewing this piece. It challenges viewers to rethink their perceptions of the gig economy, exposing the reality faced by many.
Flickering Myth Rating – Film: ★ ★ ★ ★ / Movie: ★ ★ ★ ★
Chris Connor

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On Falling - Review of the Glasgow Film Festival 2025
On Falling, 2024. Written and directed by Laura Carreira. Featuring Joana Santos, Inês Vaz, and Neil Leiper. SYNOPSIS: The narrative revolves around Aurora, a Portuguese employee in a Scottish warehouse, as she grapples with feelings of loneliness and disconnection in an algorithm-driven gig economy, searching for purpose and relationships amidst her isolation and the limitations of her workplace. We are accustomed to perspectives […]