Ranking All 10 Batman Films
Everyone has their own ranking of every Batman movie from worst to best. Here’s ours.
But First, A Bat Clarification
We will not be including animated films, films where Batman appears briefly, or films where Batman is part of a team, such as The Flash.
Although we did enjoy Michael Keaton's performance in it, of course.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Let’s kick off our list with the worst film. This is the worst Batman movie: a disorganized, CGI-heavy jumble that takes the dark and gritty approach way too far, feeling overly ambitious.
We appreciate Ben Affleck’s portrayal of Batman, but the overly dense atmosphere limited his performance. Everything in this movie feels forced and unenjoyable, starting right with the title.
Perhaps it doesn’t even belong on this list of Batman movies since it’s technically a sequel to the Superman film Man of Steel. If you’d rather exclude it, we’re perfectly fine with that.
Batman & Robin (1997)
In contrast, this film aims too hard for entertainment, cramming in endless Mr. Freeze puns, goofy costumes, and an overload of bright colors reminiscent of carnival themes. We love Arnold Schwarzenegger, but this Batman film lacks coolness.
George Clooney, who starred as Batman, recently shared with GQ, “When I say 'Batman and Robin' is a terrible film, I always say, 'I was terrible in it.' Because I was number one. But it also allows you to state, ‘Having said I was awful in it, I can also claim none of these other elements worked either.’ You know? Lines like ‘Freeze, Freeze!’”
Batman Forever (1995)
From this point on our list, we consider every movie enjoyable.
While Val Kilmer may not stand out as an unforgettable Batman, he is undoubtedly a Top 3 Bruce Wayne. Jim Carrey’s Riddler makes bold choices that are hard to stay mad at for long. It’s also odd yet cool to see Drew Barrymore and Nicole Kidman in it.
Tommy Lee Jones plays a rather exaggerated Two-Face, and it seems he’s not enjoying it much, but that's okay. We still find this movie delightful.
Batman Forever is among the most peculiar Batman films, and we appreciate its uniqueness. It takes daring swings.
Also Read: All 7 Batman Actors, Ranked Worst to Best
Batman (1966)
This film is campy, absurd, inexpensive-looking, and utterly charming.
For the early years of our lives, Adam West was the definitive Batman — cool, steadfast, and incorruptible. We didn’t even notice the campy elements. It was a joy to see him shine on the big screen.
We also adore Burt Ward as Robin and the original lineup of villains, including Cesar Romero's mustached Joker, the extraordinary Frank Gorshin as The Riddler, and Lee Meriwether as Catwoman (along with the other two 1960s Catwomen – Eartha Kitt and Julie Newmar). However, we may have a special fondness for Burgess Meredith’s portrayal of the Penguin, who really steals the scene along with his cigarette holder.
And let’s not forget that iconic shark scene! We love this movie.
The Batman (2022)
Robert Pattinson may just be the best Bruce Wayne/Batman next to Christian Bale. We admire his portrayal of a damaged, disoriented Caped Crusader who struggles with his identity. This internal conflict is the standout aspect of Matt Reeves’ film, which is influenced by 1970s conspiracy thrillers like Klute and All the President’s Men.
With all the effort Reeves put into creating a new Batworld, including the introduction of Zoë Kravitz’s Catwoman and Colin Farrell’s almost unrecognizable Oswald Cobblepot, we are excited to see what the sequels will bring.
Plus, it led to the highly-praised Penguin solo TV series.
Batman (1989)
Tim Burton deserves much credit for merging two Batman versions recognized by audiences in 1989: The campy character from the 1960s TV series and the darker, tormented version introduced in Frank Miller's iconic 1980s DC Comics series like The Dark Knight Returns and Batman: Year One.
Jack Nicholson is an exceptional actor, but his Joker disrupts the movie's balance: he’s over-the-top, distracting, lacking true fright, and not as clever as expected. We prefer Heath Ledger's chilling portrayal to Nicholson's comedic take.
Nonetheless, this Batman film features a fantastic score and a Prince soundtrack and effectively demonstrated that a serious superhero movie could succeed. We’re fans.
Also Read: All 6 Joker Actors, Ranked Worst to Best
Batman Returns (1992)
Following the success of Batman, Tim Burton embraced his distinct style further in this gothic Christmas tale, featuring an incredible performance by Michelle Pfeiffer as Cat

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Ranking All 10 Batman Films
Batman films ranked from least to most impressive. Everyone has their own ranking, and here’s ours. Join us!